This Weeks Bulletin

Week of July 28, 2024

Calvary Calendar

Sunday - July 28th

Sunday Service
 10:00 a.m. 

"The Manifestation Gifts 2.0"
1 Corinthians 12:10-31

Monday - July 29th
   Men's Inductive Bible Study this week
Resumes in September

Tuesday - July 30th

Women's Prayer Meeting
10:00 a.m.

Calvary Recovery
6:30-8:00 p.m.

Wednesday - July 31st

Men's Prayer/Breakfast
6:30 a.m.

Wednesday Evening Service
7:00 p.m.

"Wise Menn and Women"
Proverbs 14:1-17

August 1st

Women's Bible Study
Resumes in September

Friday - August 2nd

Women's Bible Study
Resumes in September

Information & Activities

Annual Picnic and Baptism- July 28
We are having our annual church picnic and baptism on today
  after church around 12:30 p.m. at Sam Benn Park.  This is a potluck, but we are  providing the meat.  We will also have some cornhole and pickleball games set up for fun.  If you can help with setup, please contact Pastor Sean or B.J.  If you would like to be baptized, sign up on the information counter.

HCC Motorcycle Ride - August 3rd
If you would like to ride with some brothers and sisters and have lunch together, then join us on Saturday, August 3rd at 11:00 at HCC.  We will ride out to Ocean Shores, a long route, have lunch and enjoy fellowshipping.  Feel free to welcome other biker friends.

Veritas Work Days
August 9th and 10th we will be doing maintenance, and some upgrading to the facility and play area.  Come help improve the school.  Contact Pastor Sean to help.

At Calvary, we feel that giving is between you and the lord.  We don't pass around an offering plate.  Your offerings can be placed in the Tithes and Offerings slot on the left side of the information counter in the foyer.  Online giving is available at and click on the donate tab.  Thank you for giving.  Your generosity enables us to expand God's Kingdom through our mission fo seeing people transformed into devoted followers of Jesus.

.……….Other Resources………….

Home Groups:
If you would like to be a part of a home group,
 please fill out the form on the backside of the bulletin
and place it in the offering box.
Someone will be in touch with you shortly.
(For more information, see our web site.)

Free Wi-Fi is available:  
Password is HCC’s 10 digit phone number

Feasting On the Word – Radio Broadcast
Sunday’s 10:00-11:00 AM on KXRO 1320 AM / 101.7 FM
Or streaming at KXRO.COM

Christian Satellite Network
CSN 88.7 FM   
Harbor Calvary Chapel
108 South K Street
Aberdeen, WA  98520
Prayer Chain
Brenda Peterson 360-591-1777

Helps Ministry
Rich & Lisa Ballou  360-249-6927

Calvary Recovery
John McGuire 360-581-0190

Van Ministry
John Tucker

Church Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
 Pastor Sean will be in his office.  
Feel free to stop in and say "Hi."


• We encourage you to take children 6th grade and under to one of the appropriate Sunday school classes, held only during second service, designed to meet their spiritual needs and understanding.  We ask that the same person sign-in and sign-out your children.  Youth Service (7th-12th grade) is held at 7 p.m. Wednesday night, where they enjoy their own worship & teaching.
• If it’s necessary to bring small children into the service, we ask that you please sit in the back.
• You can care for your children and view a live feed of the sermon in the nursery or in the Lobby, if needed.
Sermon Recordings
Copies of the Sunday morning messages are available on CD
and MP-3, suggested donation $1.You can also download them at no cost on our website. DVD’s are also available upon request for $3.
ETS Book Store
The Equipping the Saints Book Store has an assortment of books, CD’s, video’s, & clothing. Need to custom order an item?  Just ask Joanne or Ona.  We accept Visa and Master Card. 

"...I will sing praise with my spirit,
but I willl sing with my mind also."

             1 Corinthians 14:15d